I just watched King Kong. Should say I finally had the privledge of watching King Kong. The new one. I've seen the old one. This new one is way too damn good. I love that monkey (yes, I know he isn't a monkey). At the end as I starred into the screen as the credits role my room-mate said "Isn't it amazing how they can make you feel for a CG ape?" I didn't find it that hard. As a massive individual I've been treated like a freak, a monster, a beast. So yeah. I know what it's like when people see you as other than what you are. Fuck I love that monkey.
"It wasn't the airplanes. It was beauty that killed the beast."
Monday April 3rd 2006 2:00pm
I have my camera.
Monday April 3rd 2006 5:06 pm
I've been asked for this story thrice now.
I've been in love with Jenny for a couple years now. First there was a jack ass who took her for granted and treated her like crap. I call this man jerk face (when I'm being very well behaved). Then she got engaged to the prick and moved to Duck Lake. Then she got rid of the fuck wand and moved back to Toon Ville.....pregnant. Now no big deal. But at the time I was selling drugs again. So I wan't about to try and put myself in her life in that way while who knows what could happen to me. So I still hadn't ever told her how I felt. Now, I don't sell drugs. She has the baby and they're both happy and healthy. I have a hundred things weighing me down so I figured what better time than now to lighten the load. I told her how I felt, without using the love word. Since she and I both have no mental time to acctually put into dating at this time... perfect. She seemed to really like hearing what I had to say.... perfect. She likes that we can be flirty and it doesn't get weird.... perfect. Then last night while watching King Kong my amazing periphreial vision allowed me to catch her looking at me a number of times. I also noticed that when I was letting Jasmine (the baby) use my pinkie as a sqeeze/ chew toy that Jenny was very happy with this. Jasmine also seems to smile like a goon when she looks at me. This Jenny also seems to really like. And due to a recent conversation we all had with she knows that I'm man enough to take care of and love a child a didn't make if I found myself in a relationship where that would be a possibility.
"It wasn't the airplanes. It was beauty that killed the beast."
Monday April 3rd 2006 2:00pm
I have my camera.
Monday April 3rd 2006 5:06 pm
I've been asked for this story thrice now.
I've been in love with Jenny for a couple years now. First there was a jack ass who took her for granted and treated her like crap. I call this man jerk face (when I'm being very well behaved). Then she got engaged to the prick and moved to Duck Lake. Then she got rid of the fuck wand and moved back to Toon Ville.....pregnant. Now no big deal. But at the time I was selling drugs again. So I wan't about to try and put myself in her life in that way while who knows what could happen to me. So I still hadn't ever told her how I felt. Now, I don't sell drugs. She has the baby and they're both happy and healthy. I have a hundred things weighing me down so I figured what better time than now to lighten the load. I told her how I felt, without using the love word. Since she and I both have no mental time to acctually put into dating at this time... perfect. She seemed to really like hearing what I had to say.... perfect. She likes that we can be flirty and it doesn't get weird.... perfect. Then last night while watching King Kong my amazing periphreial vision allowed me to catch her looking at me a number of times. I also noticed that when I was letting Jasmine (the baby) use my pinkie as a sqeeze/ chew toy that Jenny was very happy with this. Jasmine also seems to smile like a goon when she looks at me. This Jenny also seems to really like. And due to a recent conversation we all had with she knows that I'm man enough to take care of and love a child a didn't make if I found myself in a relationship where that would be a possibility.