so i'm kind of off on the whole feelings entry ordeal that i promised i'd keep doing. eep. well here's how i felt on these days and such.
Wednesday; my dad decided to be a prick for no reason, so that was rather stressfull.
Thursday; pretty much the same thing. Also very stressfull! RAWK!
Today! AH YES FRIDAY! I'm feeling rather down. I was talking to Kyle about how i haven't had a relationship for a long time, and then it hit me. It's been a really long time. I've been alone this whole time.
Let's just say it's not the best thing on my mind. But other than that, i walked to and from school today..basically got my excersize in for the day. Hopefully i can continue to do the walking thing every day so that i can lose some weight. I don't like the way i look. Blegck. Hopefully i can attempt to change it..or at least get in shape?
Wednesday; my dad decided to be a prick for no reason, so that was rather stressfull.
Thursday; pretty much the same thing. Also very stressfull! RAWK!
Today! AH YES FRIDAY! I'm feeling rather down. I was talking to Kyle about how i haven't had a relationship for a long time, and then it hit me. It's been a really long time. I've been alone this whole time.

But mostly it just sucks.