So the trip to Madison is hopefully taking place this Wednesday if my friend's muffler is fixed by then.
i'm sure it will be, but regaurdless i'm not getting my hopes up for shopping. But if we do end up going, and we stay longer than planned i guess we'll be sleeping in her car. *shifty eyes* I don't know if i trust that idea too much, but hey..gotta live dangerously sometimes, right?
Well, i'm off to live dangerously in dreamland once more and possibly get a small snack before i do so.
*i want another vietnam*

Well, i'm off to live dangerously in dreamland once more and possibly get a small snack before i do so.
*i want another vietnam*
Ben Franklin crafts? Sounds weird. But crafts can be cool. Thanks for that fuck. It was good. Wait......that sounded funny. Ah fuck it. WHere areyou?????
sleeping in the car can be uncomfortable. I prefer on the road beside the car! Between the car and the roadside, of course.