Dang, I'm a slacker.

Of course, the SG site has been acting really weird for me lately, so I'm going to at least partially blame that.

The last couple months have been really up and down, though! Busy and up and down - lot of personal stuff going on that kind of took me out for a couple weeks, plus I've been WAY busy with...
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Hello there!

I just wanted to say here too how much I liked your set. I think you are very beautiful.
Wow, so staying pretty busy! I had my first paid pin up shoot on Monday and it ROCKED pretty hardcore! Karole Anne and I did a brilliant job! AND I did the shots for the TrikeTramp website that I'm excited to edit - it's going to be a LOT of fun! And there's an image we're hoping to get turned into a graphic in a...
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I look forward to your upcoming set! smile
that comic book idea sounds cool
like sin city im thinking?
Sooooo... I think the online tarot card reading thing is going well so far! Slow, but well! According to the other people, though, it's been abnormally slow on the boards in general, so at least it isn't just me.

Dancing last night went REALLY well - even *I* thought I looked good in my costume! I can't wait to get pictures in it - it's...
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Heh, looks like everything is being handled exactly as it should on your end smile

Speaking of which, that means you've got pictures to show us! Show show show!
Thanks, JerichoDark! I hope so - doin' what I can! I'm trying to get some pictures from Saturday, but it's slow in happening. Not a surprise, really. biggrin We'll see!
Okay, so the webcam tarot reading thing ISN'T going quite so smooth. The websites I picked, while they have excellent reputations, are being a royal pain in the ass. One keeps rejecting me, the other one just has the worst tech support EVAR! OMG.... But! I've been doing a lot of readings for friends and I've been pretty dead on so far. That's always reassuring....
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Woohoo! I got my first "REAL" tattoo today! Just the outline because it's pretty intensive! I love it and it's beautiful and perfect and the artist is a freaking genius! Of course, I DID have the horrible (and now very public) circumstance of passing out right after she did the spinal bit, but that's okay. I feel very refreshed and sore now and hap-hap-happy!!!! I...
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See, I get it. I'm not a beautiful or unique snowflake. I'm not even a slightly-out-of-the-ordinary snowflake. I'm not a snowflake at all! In fact, I'm more like the trodden upon ground that, unacknowledged, supports all the beautiful and unique snowflakes, letting them rant and rave and go on and on and on about their problems. Of course, they're never interested in what *I*...
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So... I've got one set pending member review and I'm trying to come up with ideas for a second set! This is a little tough, especially since I don't have a photographer to help me - so I'm doing self shot sets! Yikes! I hear bed shots are a no-no, but my bed is SO comfy and I could 'shoot' from three angles, so I...
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I just got a set accepted - my third attempt! It'll be going up for MR in January and I can't wait!!! Or I can - I'm a little terrified! I'm a bigger girl and I haven't seen a lot of big girl sets on here, so I'm worried I'll get a lot of 'get out of here, fat ass!' comments. But, really, I...
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i think your adorable any one who would say anything malicious like that should be frenchfried best luck to you dear! it shows alot of heart to keep trying wink