its so easy to mess with a 14 year olds mind... maybe someday i'll tell ya smile
Hows the job hunt been going?
Good news.. I'll be getting that $950.00 check from Eric anyday now.. it should be in the mail smile

My weekend has been pretty good... met a few new people... one of them may be visiting me sometime soon... can't wait.

I may have to make a few calls to see about a new job... wish me luck.

That's about it for now.. bye everyone.
i could use a cigarette right now... i'm shaking and stuff... not fun.. bleh... been all day without one so far... i may have to scrap change and walk to the gas station........
Just when things get bad... life kicks you in the balls.

After wrecking my car, I find out I got fired from my job... woohoo... apparently the manager I called out for the weekend, did not relay the message to the other managers and I was fired for abandonment of job. Anyways... I called in today to get an update on the status of my...
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thats alright man i dont get to be on to much anyway. If you could get more info on that place that would be really cool cause it sounds hella nice. Funny thing is too that i'm looking at a place right down the street from it. Its a two bd room on the 3rd floor above Built to Last, and a woman i was working with lives below on the 2nd floor, so i'll be checking that place out tommorrow if i can. Either way i do want to check that place you mentioned aswell it sounds damn nice, if ya want i can leave my cell number with ya or just write me back in my journal. Hell might be cool to met some fellow yorkers from the site.. either way good luck with the job and all and hope things straighten out soon, they always do. Bad luck is always followed by some good.
life kinda sucks right now... i won't be around for a while.. need to get back on my feet.
nah.. looking for more like 2, even three. My girl and I are looking for alot more space, 1 br is fine but id like another for either a studio or when people are over, shit like that. And thanks, if you dont mind asking thats really cool.

Good luck with the life stuff, i'm just geting my ass out of all the crap my life had gone through so we all know that road, heh.
take your time sweetie and call me if you ever need anything!

You have to consider the possibility that God does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you.

Today was fun... went into work and got the news i need to be retrained because i went in hung over the day before and i guess someone noticed... but thats not it... not by a long shot..
The ability to let...
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Hey at least ya got some good times out of that car right?

As for where not to sure, though honastly id want to be more like downtown York, either on Market or Philly in that kinda area. If not there then just stay in the Mt. Wolf Manchester area since it is quiet and still close to work.
if new found friendships are always nice... i am very greatful for the past week or two.
alright heres a quick rundown of the past few days..

Feb 25 - went into MD to visit some friends , got home @ 6:30 in the morning.. added new pictures to my folder thingy

Feb 26 - went to a party, drove my drunk ass friend home, he threw up in my car on the way to his house, we got pulled over by...
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"we work jobs we don't like so we can afford shit we don't need"

"the things we own end up owning us"

^^ the story of my life
That moive taught us alot of great lessens about life.. they should use it as a motivational tool in schools these days i think.
it may not have but come on how many times will ya get the chance to flip off satan in person.. overall not bad, though i am curious since i heard there was another scene at the end of the credits.
went to a friends house again last night for poker... got back here at like 4 or 5... all i remember is i passed out as soon as i hit my bed, lol. anyways i got work again tonight so... yeah...