After we do the breast cancer run in Toronto on Sunday, 2 October (there's still time to support me, if you like), we will be having a lovely tea party to launch my first book at Lettuce Knit in Kensington Market. Toronto SG'ers are all invited! Final time TBA, but probably sometime around 1:00. It's the first Canadian book-related event and I'm really excited about it!
So, a joke:
A pirate walks into a bar and sits down next to a good looking woman. She says, "What do you do?" He says: "I'm a pirate. I kill thousands of government troops, loot treasuries, leave women and children crying in the destroyed ruins of their cities and towns and generally create mayhem."
Karl Rove, sitting in the next seat, says: "You want to run for Congress?"
It was listed in my LYS monthly newsletter. I squealed when I saw it and of course had to show everyone your awesome book!!!
The cartoons are too cute for words! And your author picture is lovely. A very beautiful picture of you.
And thank you for the nice words. They totally don't deserve me!