Two new books.
Two new books.
Can you say it along with me?
"I will not be sleeping until approximately January 2006."
It's true. Also true: I am hitting the road this summer to take photos for one of the books and hopefully, photos for another book proposal I'm working on. I'll be in NYC, Boston, Portland (Maine), Burlington (Vermont), Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland (Oregon) and Seattle. Possibly Vancouver, too. Starting from the week before the Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn to the third week in July or so.
If you would like to get together for any of the following, drop me an email or a message:
* Photo shoot for my shop
* Photo shoot of your (cool, crafty, DIY living space) for my book proposal
* Drinks. Drinks, drinks and more drinks... I think I'm gonna need 'em after a month on the road!
Two new books.
Can you say it along with me?
"I will not be sleeping until approximately January 2006."
It's true. Also true: I am hitting the road this summer to take photos for one of the books and hopefully, photos for another book proposal I'm working on. I'll be in NYC, Boston, Portland (Maine), Burlington (Vermont), Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland (Oregon) and Seattle. Possibly Vancouver, too. Starting from the week before the Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn to the third week in July or so.
If you would like to get together for any of the following, drop me an email or a message:
* Photo shoot for my shop
* Photo shoot of your (cool, crafty, DIY living space) for my book proposal
* Drinks. Drinks, drinks and more drinks... I think I'm gonna need 'em after a month on the road!

Haha, I am so behind in my reading it's ridiculous. I may have to go on a roadtrip myself just to have an excuse to get away from the world and get caught up!
He thanks you very much. (3rd person possibly due to long islands enjoyed by the us last night)