A certain Martha Stewartish cable channel is invading my house next week so I can show TV-land how to dye wool and spin and other fibery things the lazy way. A second, similar channel wants me to come out to LA this summer to demo some multimedia art embroidery / alt-textile stuff for their audience. Rumor has it Style Network is doing an Iron-Chef-style craft competition show. I'm curating an alt-textile exhibit. I'm auditioning for the (actual) Martha Stewart edition of The Apprentice later in the month.
Call me what I am: a total craft-art whore.
But when it stops being fun, I'll quit.
Call me what I am: a total craft-art whore.
But when it stops being fun, I'll quit.
(No bowing needed, darlings...just make everyone buy my book so I can keep doing this for a living!)