Somebody stop the merry-go-round, I want off! When last I posted, I was editing book #3 and trying desperately to make deadline on book #4. Since then, I've been tapped to project-edit 2 more books, write another one by the end of the summer (no joke) and get on board a few other book projects...
I try not to let it go to my head, but sheesh.
I'm off to San Francisco this weekend to teach at Make magazine's Maker Faire -- yell if you want details on my classes.
I try not to let it go to my head, but sheesh.
I'm off to San Francisco this weekend to teach at Make magazine's Maker Faire -- yell if you want details on my classes.

I wish I could be at the Maker Faire.

i think maybe i can sort of relate... hope you are well despite the craziness