So I got a new tattoo yesterday. I love it so much! It is Eleanor Abernathy from the Simpsons. She is also known as the crazy cat lady. The simpsons are my favorite show. She is my favorite character by far. Gramps is my second favorite. I'm thinking about getting him in my other foot eventually. I had the tattoo artist try to make two of the cats look like mine. So there is an orange kitty for my georgey and a calico for my callista.
So for my homework they asked us to write about our dream business. Well of course mine would involve cats! I think I would have a business that is a rent a cat. Whenever you have a bad day you can go rent a cute kitten for an hour or two. I guarantee that after having play date with a cute kitten you cannot be in a bad mood. I seriously have thought about this before.
So I recently went out to lunch with this sweeties Sunday. @elody @alissa @feryn @dutch we always have a good time. We talked about buttholes and various other fun stuff. The girl on the end is a new hopeful. She is not on the site just yet but keep your eyes peeled.
@missy @lyxzen @rambo