So I got an MRI Monday. Then Tuesday I had an appointment with my oral surgeon. They put me in this contraption.

So I need two wisdom teeth pulled. This is the bill. Shit I should spoil it.
So I am getting them pull the day after Thanksgiving. No leftovers for me this year! It's ok. Itll maybe help me lose those 5 lbs I have been vying to get rid of for months now. I am thinking about going to the Vegas Shoot fest so it would be a good time to get in shape.
I am thinking about getting a new tattoo. I think I talked about it in my last blog. A cat flying a kite. I have some people who were so kind enough to draw it up for me. I looked and looked for examples in tattoos and pictures and came out with nothing.
I am addicted to instagram. here is my second #thighhighthursday
oh I found this. coolest tattoo ever.
I think the coolest tattoo on an SG is on Porphyria. Here catapuss tattoo is so cool. i wish I could steal it or go back in time and do it first.
I actually put on makeup Wednesday and took a pic. I really liked it. If I could make it the right dimensions I might make it one of my profile pictures. I think I can make it a secondary pic without permission of staff. oh here is another random pic of me.
I need this shirt
oh btw looking for apartments with the boy tomorrow. he says we have to get up at 5 am to do it. i don't know why. I think he just likes to torture me because I am not a morning person.
ohhh totally bummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmed. our giant Lord of the Flies multi got pushed back a few weeks.
oh heard rumors that they are making a new SG coffee table book. oh how exciting!!!! I want it. Along with all the new SG stuff like the shirts and lounge pants. I need $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
My mom asked me what i wanted for christmas. I honestly didnt know. There is a ton of stuff I want and a ton of stuff i need.
attack of my giant nipples!!
Well bites and licks everyone,
have a safe and wonderful weekend. :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak: :batattak:
And yes, Edward is a tampon, lol. I can't handle it, hahaha.