So I get home from the Florida shoot fest around 5 pm. I was planning to see the Amanda Palmer show at 8. I was at the merchandise booth looking at shirts and who did I see but Amanda Palmer herself in the flesh. I asked if I could get a picture with her. She was nice enough to say yes. So I have been lucky enough to meet her twice now. Well my phone was apparently ringing during the opening acts like crazy but I didn't hear it. So my mom called my boyfriend phone well his was on vibrate so he answered . I found out my aunt had passed away. I cried the entire concert. Tears were streaming down my cheeks the entire concert the entire time. I go back home to St louis Tuesday for the funeral . In other news I have a big rash that started on my arms that spread to pretty much my entire body. In some spots it has turned into blisters. I have had a migraine for like four days too. My foot have swollen up to double their size. I think im going to hit urgent care today. Hope to have a happier blog soon