so I forget to mention that I got my test for the JV virus came back negative.
I am one of the 20% of the people who do not make the antibody. This means that the Tysabri I am taking is not being rejected so to speak by my body. If my body was making the antibody it would fight off the Tysabri and the chances of me developing the PML virus is possible. BUUUUUT as of now I am free and clear of the chances of me developing that virus. Of course this could change with every infusion I get. I have to get tested every 3 months. Actually as of now I am not sure how I am going to pay for the infusion or any medications because I no longer have Medicaid. 

I have been in denial and have not done any research or talked to any of my previous doctors.
So there is this MediGap insurance I heard I can apply for. If approved I have to pay a few hundred a month. That is exactly the extra amount of money I was making by working part-time. Kinda ironic.
I am planning a trip to LA soon to see Haydin and Millioux. Then go and see my good friends Kewpie, Lazacries and Drama after. Back to traveling the country for me. I'm a spoiled brat sometimes I think. lol
I still need to get my laptop fixed. Got the keyboard wet and half the keys don't work. I have been busy with the Erik shit and trying to get my Medicaid reinstated to bother with it yet. On top of it I spent 360 bucks on an Iphone that is locked from some guy on Craig's list. I can't use the fucking thing because it is attached to his account. I've tried everything to figure out a way to make it work. I even had DarkRam take a look at it. We hung out a few times lately. I wish I had a car and he had a car because he is pretty cool. He lives like 10 miles from me too so very close but far without either of us having cars.
I miss Sandman3030. I wish he would move back to Phoenix. I don't have a lot of close friends here in Phoenix. It sucks.
Anyway. leave me some love. Know this set won't get bought but it always cheers me up to see the comment count rise.
feng shui
oh I actually have a new set going up a week from tomorrow. Location for this was so limited but we did our best. I really liked the theme and I worked hard on it. Astronaut Xing is the name of the set to give you a hint of what the theme is. Any guesses? lol

So there is this MediGap insurance I heard I can apply for. If approved I have to pay a few hundred a month. That is exactly the extra amount of money I was making by working part-time. Kinda ironic.
I am planning a trip to LA soon to see Haydin and Millioux. Then go and see my good friends Kewpie, Lazacries and Drama after. Back to traveling the country for me. I'm a spoiled brat sometimes I think. lol
I still need to get my laptop fixed. Got the keyboard wet and half the keys don't work. I have been busy with the Erik shit and trying to get my Medicaid reinstated to bother with it yet. On top of it I spent 360 bucks on an Iphone that is locked from some guy on Craig's list. I can't use the fucking thing because it is attached to his account. I've tried everything to figure out a way to make it work. I even had DarkRam take a look at it. We hung out a few times lately. I wish I had a car and he had a car because he is pretty cool. He lives like 10 miles from me too so very close but far without either of us having cars.
I miss Sandman3030. I wish he would move back to Phoenix. I don't have a lot of close friends here in Phoenix. It sucks.
Anyway. leave me some love. Know this set won't get bought but it always cheers me up to see the comment count rise.
feng shui
oh I actually have a new set going up a week from tomorrow. Location for this was so limited but we did our best. I really liked the theme and I worked hard on it. Astronaut Xing is the name of the set to give you a hint of what the theme is. Any guesses? lol

I have been inactive at the site for a long time, but now i hope be active again, haha.
Good luck with your trip. It'll amazing! i know
A big kiss my sweet heart.