SGAZ party was awesome last night. Drusylla, Padre, Spectr,FrenchyLarue, Astatine, TheCocky1, Aldremech, Blanch, MainEventMedia, Dejah, Aerion, FoxtrotUniform and Riona all had our little party last night. It was awesome. We all hit IHOP afterwards. I kept crawling under the table and me and Drusylla shared a pickle Lady and the Tramp style. I stole all the pics from everyone. My tights were of course ruined afterwards. I was sad cause they are awesome and dont think I can replace them. They were leopard print fishnets. I was sooo tired. I slept til 6pm that day and woke up and pretty much got ready for the party.
Lots of pictures. i love my little SG family.
Lots of pictures. i love my little SG family.
Astatine made vegan cupcakes that were just soooo yummy. Man can she dance too!
Im sitting here in my new PJs and plan to stay in them all day. Lazy, lazy Bitten.
Bites and licks,
BItten :batattak: :batattak: :batattak:
EDIT TO ADD. Kewpie was missing. She is in Alaska but I was texting the pretty lady the whole time. !!
Awe thanks honey. I think I sound like a 12 year old. Haha.