So Saturday I made a pot pie from scratch. It was sooooo yummy. Thanks to Jaxy for the recipe and for texting me the whole time helping me shop at the grocery store. She has a new set coming out soon. Instapink. That girl is just lovely. Plus she sent me a ton of recipes! i am going to try to make one a week. Feeling very domestic lately.
Almost 3 months to the day until I leave for Berlin. I am taking a train down to Prague. Gonna be there almost 2 weeks! So far I have about 600 dollars saved up. I am hoping to have a grand total for the whole trip. I think it will happen although I will be really broke until then. Still really worth it.
I went Friday to a restaurant that is owned by people from St Louis. All Saint Louis style food and sports memorablia on the wall. Made me feel a little homesick even though I havent lived there in over ten years. I got St Louis Style pizza. It tasted just like it!! One of the only things I miss from there minus my friends.
I sent my Dad his father's day present. Got him a gift certificate from Applebees. He loves that place. Got him a card too.
So new boobies up on Thursday bright and early 7:29am. I am really excited and nervous at the same time. I need to find something to keep me busy that day. Maybe Ill go get some more pizza. nom nom
One of my favorite all time gals on here goes up that day too. Milloux!!
Today is Flag Day which means it is Metta and Dryad's birthdays. YAY.
Congratulations to FrenchyLaRue and her boyfriend for getting engaged this weekend.
I am crossing my fingers for Drusylla to do well at her interview today and passing her cosmeotology test.
Counting down the days til Thursday. :batattak: :batattak:
bites and licks,