i love maynard. and man who would of known Milla Jovahich could sing? i can't believe over a year I got to see Puscifer.
making potatos au gratin now with steamed broccoli. potatos out of a box. i am not that talented. i do love my potatos. i don't think you can make potatos gross.
so I was SUPPOSED to get my Tysabri infusion Monday. My insurance denied it. AGAIN. I have to get prior authorization. my god I have been on this meds for almost 2 years. Im waiting now for my MS to flare up since I haven't had it in 7 weeks now. I am supposed to do it every 6 weeks only to make me less likely to get a brain infection and die. My one friend on it does it like clockwork every 4 weeks like I used to.
what do you guys think of my new profile pic? :batattak:
so were you popular in high school? what clique did you belong to?
edit: I got bitten by a bug or something yesterday. It itches so bad. I covered my arm in calamine lotion. how apropos eh??
I was not popular. I hated high school. A lot
edit number 2. just saw this on TV. must have. too bad I lost my DS like a month or two ago.
I was not popular in High School- I was one of the nerds. Pretty much the head nerd.
lol I just figured that's be best thing to do right now Didn't expect this, but maybe this calls for a tiny break from this site... I really do hate drama Hope things are good with you