so new blog time. my set was submitted into review on Thursday. YAY. Wish me luck! :batattak:
October 4th I am doing the AIDS walk here in Phoenix. I have never done this walk before but I have done the MS walk several times. This walk is I think 2 and a half miles. The MS walk is like a mile if that. I don't know if I will be able to do the whole thing considering it has been 106 degrees here the last 3 days. Sandman 2020 is gonna walk with me. It is probably gonna take me an hour to walk since I walk so slow but it will be worth it. If anyone wants to sponsor me I would appreciate it. Just pm me and Ill give you my walker number and the link to donate. There is no limit and even a dollar will help. I have no set goals for amount to raise just anything will help someone.
The MS walk is November 7th. I am planning to do this one too. I think since it is far enough away I am going to make a goal of fifty dollars. Again if anyone ones to sponsor me pm me.
So my cat has an enemy. Every night around 3 am I hear her hissing and the blinds moving all over and her crying like she is dying. There is a cat who comes to the window and I think she tries to attack her. I don't know if she doesn't realize she can't get to her or vice versa so I have to lock her in my room at night these last 3 nights. It is kinda funny. My cat has always been an indoor cat so I don't know what she thinks of seeing a cat outside. I think she should be grateful that she has a roof over her head and a bowl full of cat food cause there is so many strays out there. If I could I would take in this other cat. She is a tiny little Siamese. She doesn't look like a stray but who knows.

I found a link to sponsor me. minimum donation is 5 dollars.
sponsor me in the AIDS walk
ok getting some problems with needing my walker password and such so here it is
Walker ID #: W92288
Password: 837dress
October 4th I am doing the AIDS walk here in Phoenix. I have never done this walk before but I have done the MS walk several times. This walk is I think 2 and a half miles. The MS walk is like a mile if that. I don't know if I will be able to do the whole thing considering it has been 106 degrees here the last 3 days. Sandman 2020 is gonna walk with me. It is probably gonna take me an hour to walk since I walk so slow but it will be worth it. If anyone wants to sponsor me I would appreciate it. Just pm me and Ill give you my walker number and the link to donate. There is no limit and even a dollar will help. I have no set goals for amount to raise just anything will help someone.
The MS walk is November 7th. I am planning to do this one too. I think since it is far enough away I am going to make a goal of fifty dollars. Again if anyone ones to sponsor me pm me.
So my cat has an enemy. Every night around 3 am I hear her hissing and the blinds moving all over and her crying like she is dying. There is a cat who comes to the window and I think she tries to attack her. I don't know if she doesn't realize she can't get to her or vice versa so I have to lock her in my room at night these last 3 nights. It is kinda funny. My cat has always been an indoor cat so I don't know what she thinks of seeing a cat outside. I think she should be grateful that she has a roof over her head and a bowl full of cat food cause there is so many strays out there. If I could I would take in this other cat. She is a tiny little Siamese. She doesn't look like a stray but who knows.

I found a link to sponsor me. minimum donation is 5 dollars.

sponsor me in the AIDS walk
ok getting some problems with needing my walker password and such so here it is
Walker ID #: W92288
Password: 837dress
Anywho I was not dating her. Never met her, just did not see that coming. Just blind I guess, might be why I am single too. Oh well.
Have a good time today? I guess two and a half miles is not really that tiring.
Anyway you need not send me anything, it was just a joke. But I will show you a picture I took in Denver...
Of a lion licking himself.