fan art by Norritt I'm a sexy cartoon eh? sober 2 days now. i think i'm gonna pop some weak ass Ultram. at least it is something. took two and two valiums. unforunately i know that ain't gonna do shit. my good friend is doing better in rehab. over the hump. gonna have to pay for some dishes and a new TV though cause he broke em. I am such a hypocrite. popping my own pills and feeding my own habit (poorly with stupid basically OTC shit for me) while my good friend and faux fiancee is not allowed to have one valium (when i just took two) is hitting rock bottom and I flaunt my drug intake. it isn't fair. but should I hide my own drug abuse pretend I am not a hophead although that is one of the things that connected us? I mean he is not stupid and knows. Am I going to be one of those people he can't have in his life anymore because of I'm a reminder of his drug life?? I love this man more than I should. I would not be able to handle that. I have been able to handle some shit man. Fucked up stuff. I know I am strong but if I couldn't talk to him anymore I don't know what I would do.
good luck babe... 2 days... Im really happy for you
hope things get better for you