surprise, surprise: bush's "no child left behind" act harbors a provision that requires public high schools to provide military recruiters with the personal information of all students, so that said recruiters can agressively, legally pursue kids, with or without their parents consent.
one top U.S. Army recruiter says "the only thing that will get us to stop contacting the family is if they call their congressman....or maybe if the kid died, we'll take them off our list."
from the united church of christ's website, a news release about how NBC and CBS/UPN have rejected a teevee ad which offers an "all-inclusive welcome". said ad features a depiction of bouncers behind velvet ropes turning away two men holding hands, a man and a little girl of color (sorry for the awkward gramma terminology) and a disabled man. CBS explains why they turned it down:
"Because this commercial touches on the exclusion of gay couples and other minority groups by other individuals and organizations," reads an explanation from CBS, "and the fact the Executive Branch has recently proposed a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, this spot is unacceptable for broadcast on the [CBS and UPN] networks."
my only question is this: why don't I get paid for bullshitting the general public? I'd be much better at it.
also a link to a livejournal entry that a friend of mine pointed me towards; contains pics that are really worth seeing, if'n you care at all about the fury effect that our president and all he stands for has on otherwise peaceful folks:
even canadians are sick of this shit. CANADA CRUSH BUSH!
one top U.S. Army recruiter says "the only thing that will get us to stop contacting the family is if they call their congressman....or maybe if the kid died, we'll take them off our list."
from the united church of christ's website, a news release about how NBC and CBS/UPN have rejected a teevee ad which offers an "all-inclusive welcome". said ad features a depiction of bouncers behind velvet ropes turning away two men holding hands, a man and a little girl of color (sorry for the awkward gramma terminology) and a disabled man. CBS explains why they turned it down:
"Because this commercial touches on the exclusion of gay couples and other minority groups by other individuals and organizations," reads an explanation from CBS, "and the fact the Executive Branch has recently proposed a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, this spot is unacceptable for broadcast on the [CBS and UPN] networks."
my only question is this: why don't I get paid for bullshitting the general public? I'd be much better at it.
also a link to a livejournal entry that a friend of mine pointed me towards; contains pics that are really worth seeing, if'n you care at all about the fury effect that our president and all he stands for has on otherwise peaceful folks:
even canadians are sick of this shit. CANADA CRUSH BUSH!
disturbs me more:
"Alex Molnar, in Giving Kids the Business, cites several examples of free materials supplied to teachers. From lessons on counting chips, comparing volcanic eruptions to Gushers candies, using the scientific method to compare Prego and Ragu, videos on oil spills produced by Exxon, and environmental education compliments of Proctor and Gamble, kids are either taught to buy products or respect and appreciate the industry from which the information came."
I guess it's more irksome to me because you're pretty much aware of what the military is about by the time the recruiters come, or at least I was when I was 17 or 18, but instilling brand loyalty in a 7 year old in the name of public education seems pretty underhanded. What's next, Joe Camel teaches fractions?
[Edited on Dec 06, 2004 8:36AM]