I have absolutely nothing of value to say and no interesting links to offer today. I do, however, have some free time on my hands, which needs to be killed before I can allow myself to sleep.
1) who's voting?
2) have a secret you feel like sharing to this anonymous girl?
3) if you suddenly had an extra $500 in your pocket, what would you do with it? and I don't mean what would you MEAN to do or what SHOULD you do with it, but what you would, indeed, most likely actually do with it.
4) what's the most foul thing you have ever deliberately consumed?
5) who else is entirely loath to use smilies, ever?
I'll likely be away for most of the weekend doing fun and lovely things with my sweet boy jumpsteady- I hope yours is as terrific as mine promises to be!
I've been voting since before I was eligible to vote, I'm not going to miss it now.
2) have a secret you feel like sharing to this anonymous girl?
Sure. But this space is not anonymous.
3) if you suddenly had an extra $500 in your pocket, what would you do with it? and I don't mean what would you MEAN to do or what SHOULD you do with it, but what you would, indeed, most likely actually do with it.
$500??? Pffft
4) what's the most foul thing you have ever deliberately consumed?
I ate at McDonald's once.
5) who else is entirely loath to use smilies, ever?
No secrets to tell. I try not to have secrets anymore.
$500? Well, shit, since its not enough to fly to New Zealand on, I'd probably buy Idjiit something nice and send the rest to Visa.
Mushrooms. Psychadelic mushrooms are absolutely foul! The outcome might be fun, but the eating is gross!
And no, I am not loath to use smileys. I like them very much!