why are holidays so depressing? I had nobody to do anything with, so I went out to eat. I went to Clarks which I t hought would be a safe bet to stay away from the family types who go out to eat on Easter. All I saw as I walked down the street and people being happy together.. holding hands and laughing... but I just walked alone as if I was the only person in Chicago without anybody. Everybody had some person with them except me. It really started to bother me after awhile... I usually like being single and doing things when I feel like doing them. Not relying on another person for anything. But today was different. I want that somebody and I dont' want to do these things alone anymore. It scares me to think that I'm 33 years old and I have not had a real girlfriend for 5 years. I've dated and I've had my one nighters.. but those are just what they are... short and meaningless. I give up..
Don't give up man. Every has dry patches. Use it to get to know yourself better... your day will come.
man i know how you feel. it sucks sometimes