remember me saying I was going to start working out?
well.. I can't lift my fucking arms. I went into it a lil hardcore. I know know what it's like for an old crippled man to put on his jacket. I'm not going to get discouraged.. but I need to give my muscles a break. If they get any worse than they are right now.. I"m going to have to buy a shitload of ben gay.. no jokes about my sexuality plz.. thanks.
I have to get ready for the afterparty on Thursday.. I should go buy a bunch more liquor, because I can tell there are a bunch of lushes on this site. I can't wait to meet a bunch of people I talk to on here. Liquor always makes social gatherings that much better. Everybody needs to be loose and feel comfortable.
oh yeah.. happy birthday to me.. I not am only getting older.. I'm feeling it too.
well.. I can't lift my fucking arms. I went into it a lil hardcore. I know know what it's like for an old crippled man to put on his jacket. I'm not going to get discouraged.. but I need to give my muscles a break. If they get any worse than they are right now.. I"m going to have to buy a shitload of ben gay.. no jokes about my sexuality plz.. thanks.
I have to get ready for the afterparty on Thursday.. I should go buy a bunch more liquor, because I can tell there are a bunch of lushes on this site. I can't wait to meet a bunch of people I talk to on here. Liquor always makes social gatherings that much better. Everybody needs to be loose and feel comfortable.
oh yeah.. happy birthday to me.. I not am only getting older.. I'm feeling it too.
Hey Happy Birthday. I baked a cake but it burned up in tomyfavoritescar place cause she's too hot.

i tend to like a lot of bands people either love or hate.