I really need a hobby. I just went and got coffee and the guy that I talk to there was asking me what I do besides work.
musician? NO
hobbies? NO
girlfriend? NO
boyfriend? NO
read? NO
any pets? WHOA!!! I DO HAVE A KITTY
ok.. my life is pretty sad... I don't really do anything other than work and the computer.. except go out and drink maybe once or twice a week. I did get a name of a book from a girl yesterday. She just started working at the bar down the street and she's YUM. So... I think I'll pick it up... I do need something other than the newspaper to read on the way to work.
if you can hook me up with a Yes on question 3. do you have a girlfriend?
I'll take care of you in many ways.. I'll feed you, clothe you and call you george.
musician? NO
hobbies? NO
girlfriend? NO
boyfriend? NO
read? NO
any pets? WHOA!!! I DO HAVE A KITTY

ok.. my life is pretty sad... I don't really do anything other than work and the computer.. except go out and drink maybe once or twice a week. I did get a name of a book from a girl yesterday. She just started working at the bar down the street and she's YUM. So... I think I'll pick it up... I do need something other than the newspaper to read on the way to work.
if you can hook me up with a Yes on question 3. do you have a girlfriend?
I'll take care of you in many ways.. I'll feed you, clothe you and call you george.
i can answer no to all of those except the reading and the pet thing. but, i dont have a job anymore.
bah, what does that guy know anyways ?