ok.. am I the only one who is searching for links that were once so easy to find? I like the new layout. But like a new pair of underwear, it takes time to get used to.
I went over to my new apartment last night and did some painting. I can't wait to move my stuff in. This place is amazing. I'm ordering some new furniture later on today. I have two living areas now, instead of one. So I will have a formal livingroom and a studio/familyroom... Which is going to be orange w/red trim with a red microfiber sofa and maple tables and entertainment center. It may sound hideous thinking about it.. but it is going to be sweet... I'm going to add fiberoptic lights to the ceiling to make it really pack a punch. I'm keeping my same livingroom furniture.. because I fucking love it... Just have to deside what colors to use. I wanted to do chocolate brown, but I'm thinking my bedroom would look way too cool that color. Ok.. I bored you.. thanks
I went over to my new apartment last night and did some painting. I can't wait to move my stuff in. This place is amazing. I'm ordering some new furniture later on today. I have two living areas now, instead of one. So I will have a formal livingroom and a studio/familyroom... Which is going to be orange w/red trim with a red microfiber sofa and maple tables and entertainment center. It may sound hideous thinking about it.. but it is going to be sweet... I'm going to add fiberoptic lights to the ceiling to make it really pack a punch. I'm keeping my same livingroom furniture.. because I fucking love it... Just have to deside what colors to use. I wanted to do chocolate brown, but I'm thinking my bedroom would look way too cool that color. Ok.. I bored you.. thanks
gawd i get such a kick out of decorating a new place. the end result is never *exactly* like the initial vision, abd thats part of the fun.
where are you??????? come back!!!!!!!