I was on the train quite a bit today.. as I am almost everyday. I'm really big on following the fucking rules too.
1. no eating and drinking
So.. then why do all these fucking people bring on their fast food and eat it in front of me? first off.. it smells like shit. I'm not there to watch you eat and smell that rancid crap.
note to the guy sitting behind me on the redline today. Please tell me where you live.. I want to shove dogshit up your nose and leave it there for the amount of time it takes to get from Fullerton to Washington. Because that what your chillydog smelled like to me. You stupid fucking asshole for making my stomach turn.
note to the lady on the redline at 4:30 at Chicago... If you plan on eating Burger King your whole life.. please chew it before swallowing. You are going to die soon and your family is going to try to blame the fast food industry for it. Do you think I want to see you inhale a double cheeseburger while listening to Oingo Boingo in my headsets? NO... I don't .. please eat before you get on or after you get off the train. You made me sick just looking at you.
ok.. If you take any type of public transport.. please keep your consumption to beverages and foods that do not smell. Be kind to those around you. Maybe think about drinking water or coffee.
Now I have got that out.. I have to get to sleep and hope nobody stopped by McDonalds for one of those god awful looking McGriddles to take with them on the triain.
I was on the train quite a bit today.. as I am almost everyday. I'm really big on following the fucking rules too.
1. no eating and drinking
So.. then why do all these fucking people bring on their fast food and eat it in front of me? first off.. it smells like shit. I'm not there to watch you eat and smell that rancid crap.
note to the guy sitting behind me on the redline today. Please tell me where you live.. I want to shove dogshit up your nose and leave it there for the amount of time it takes to get from Fullerton to Washington. Because that what your chillydog smelled like to me. You stupid fucking asshole for making my stomach turn.
note to the lady on the redline at 4:30 at Chicago... If you plan on eating Burger King your whole life.. please chew it before swallowing. You are going to die soon and your family is going to try to blame the fast food industry for it. Do you think I want to see you inhale a double cheeseburger while listening to Oingo Boingo in my headsets? NO... I don't .. please eat before you get on or after you get off the train. You made me sick just looking at you.
ok.. If you take any type of public transport.. please keep your consumption to beverages and foods that do not smell. Be kind to those around you. Maybe think about drinking water or coffee.
Now I have got that out.. I have to get to sleep and hope nobody stopped by McDonalds for one of those god awful looking McGriddles to take with them on the triain.
amen brother. and whats with that McGriddle? some things should just never come to be.
ah the smell of greasy foods in a small contained area. that has to be lovely