I can see why a bottle of Jameson is an issue. I can see why having 18 bottle of wine amoung 15 guests might seem weird. But if u did what me and these poor dear battery's did on a daily, Lord knows how much booze you'd need to get through the day.
So why is a goddamn Jean Talon corner restraunt making such a...
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Sorry @missy and @rambo , Film critique isn't exactly my forte. So I figured I'd write about something a wee bit more interesting than a gangster movie based on another gangster movie.
I can't remember when I started my first job I just hung around my uncles store till he decided I wa useful. I guess the first time he paid me I had been...
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Thanks to the ever so awesome @missy and @rambo for giving me something to do on a Saturday night.
The last movie I watched was The Departed, I've always been a fan of the movie it was loosely based on (Infernal Affairs - one of the best Hong Kong police stories ever!) but this was my first time seeing it.
I have to say the...
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Been a while since I've posted. Nothing new to report. Which is in effect a problem, procrastination has taken over for the past month.
oh well, back to house of cards .......
is it just me or is the new website making it a little harder to access some stuff. I love the theme and the set up with the big and flat buttons, but it feels a little weird trying to access groups. Can't quiet put my finger on it.
And why does it still take AAAGEs to load ios. Also weird, works fine on my...
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Hi all,
I'll admit I've been kind of busy so I may be late tothe party, but SG has come along way. A;though this new layout still freaks me out I kind of think it represents where SG is right now from where it was back in the days.
Have a good one!