So... I goto the DMV today to renew my license (everyone's FAVORITE activity, right up there with an enima), and there was one question (and it's answer) that baffles me:
Q: "You should increase the distance between your car and the vehicle ahead when you:"
A: "Are being tailgated by another driver"
WHAT??? So, basically, according to the DMV and the california driving manual, you should hit your breaks when being tailgated... The "haha, got you!" rule of driving.
Q: "You should increase the distance between your car and the vehicle ahead when you:"
A: "Are being tailgated by another driver"
WHAT??? So, basically, according to the DMV and the california driving manual, you should hit your breaks when being tailgated... The "haha, got you!" rule of driving.

I made this one the day before yesterday: