uh. er. school sucks. i suck at school.
my teacher is disgruntled with me. rightfully so. i must've missed half of his classes this semester.
so, the world feels like it's crashing down around me. but, little things always do tend to make me feel like that.
i need a little reminder that just because i'm doing bad in one class, and just because one teacher is unhappy with me, that doesn't mean i dont have an entire life ahead of me. pssh. one class: the end of the world. whats that about.
i'm puking like crazy. i still have tons of work to do. vag mono practice tonight. but i haven't left my hall yet today, and it's already 4pm.
i have a 10 page paper due on tuesday for the above stated class i'm surely failing, and a 48392048320 other things to do that will NEVER GO AWAY no matter HOW SICK I GET.
my teacher is disgruntled with me. rightfully so. i must've missed half of his classes this semester.
so, the world feels like it's crashing down around me. but, little things always do tend to make me feel like that.
i need a little reminder that just because i'm doing bad in one class, and just because one teacher is unhappy with me, that doesn't mean i dont have an entire life ahead of me. pssh. one class: the end of the world. whats that about.
i'm puking like crazy. i still have tons of work to do. vag mono practice tonight. but i haven't left my hall yet today, and it's already 4pm.
i have a 10 page paper due on tuesday for the above stated class i'm surely failing, and a 48392048320 other things to do that will NEVER GO AWAY no matter HOW SICK I GET.

how you feel
just keep an eye
on where you are
so that
you don't fall
into a pit
while trying
to avoid
the falling sky
it will work out
maybe not for the best
but you'll be ok
you're even better
than you know
violets are blue
yer pretty cool
especially when you puke