good old UNCA is closin' down for the weather. again. but this time, we're being ejected from the dorms. i've got no place to go and no way to get there. yet.
i met a lady at the student union when i went in to get a smoothie. she was at the register, and i whipped out my check card, but evidently those aren't accepted?? what luck. she asked me if i could bring the money by tomorrow. i said "absolutely. thanks so much, see you tomorrow".
i AM gonna pay for it too. so THERE.
some guy driving some car yelled "SLUUUUUUUT!!!!!" at me today. thats not nice.
computer lab is open. i gotta get down there and get to work before the campus shuts down.
two things:
- get to the theatre and watch Hero
- register to vote at
good old UNCA is closin' down for the weather. again. but this time, we're being ejected from the dorms. i've got no place to go and no way to get there. yet.
i met a lady at the student union when i went in to get a smoothie. she was at the register, and i whipped out my check card, but evidently those aren't accepted?? what luck. she asked me if i could bring the money by tomorrow. i said "absolutely. thanks so much, see you tomorrow".
i AM gonna pay for it too. so THERE.
some guy driving some car yelled "SLUUUUUUUT!!!!!" at me today. thats not nice.
computer lab is open. i gotta get down there and get to work before the campus shuts down.
two things:
- get to the theatre and watch Hero
- register to vote at

if it's not - wow.