tonight was above and beyond eventful. yummy vegetarian restaurant with my mom and sister. took her to a hotel, then went to a drum circle, went to a reggae festival, and went to a keg party. where i remained perfectly sober.
lots of new experiences. especially the whole...trying to survive in asheville without chris thing. i'm trying to decide if i'm any good at that or not. i'll keep you updated.
talked to my best girl, giselle, tonight. finally. i feel good about her living situation. i think she'll be alright, and that makes me happy. i like it when she's happy.
lots of new experiences. especially the whole...trying to survive in asheville without chris thing. i'm trying to decide if i'm any good at that or not. i'll keep you updated.
talked to my best girl, giselle, tonight. finally. i feel good about her living situation. i think she'll be alright, and that makes me happy. i like it when she's happy.
man i hate it when giselle is happy
sounds cool