Tim, if you didn't already know, is my boyfriend.
We went to high school together, so we've known each other for about 10 years. We left school about 4 years ago, and he was one of the very few friends I kept in touch with, and we met up from time to time. He listened to all the shit that went down when I broke up with my last boyfriend, listened to all my silly girly dramatic nonsense and spoke sense when I needed advice.
Then, last month, after a long time of trying to convince myself that I didn't like him [facing rejection from one of your friends and then fucking up the group dynamic is not a good thing], we went to a gig together and lo and behold - turns out the feeling was mutual and we decided to give it a go.
Jeez but I am glad we did. This boy makes me stupidly happy. He 'gets' me [most overused line ever] and all my stupid, shitty wee jokes. he puts up with my stupid singing, he is really quite spectacular in bed, he makes me smile when I am feeling blue, he doesn't grumble about the hour long drive it takes to get me home from his, he tells me I'm beautiful when I'm spotty and makeupless, he brings me a cup of tea in the morning, he is a total geek which is absolutely adorable, he put up with all my pop music on the drive up to Inverness, he gives the BEST hugs, he makes me laugh, he makes me smile when I think about him, he just makes me happy.
More than anything, I just feel comfortable. There are no mind games and hidden agendas this time. It's an honest, real, comfortable relationship. I still get butterflies in my tummy when he kisses me or holds my hand, but I feel so at ease with him.
Wow, what a mush-fest. But who cares?
Sarah xx
This is Tim.
(I *heart* you too!)