short update.. I got a new aim.. cause once you cancel your aol account... they take away your AIM too.. and i didn't get any of the names on the b-list.. so.. drop me yours..... cause I could only remember like 4 or so...
so.. in honor of one of my closest sg homeboy rac1977.. i'm gonna write a "this one girl" entry..
met a girl... forgot her name... put a couple girls I know.. out on the hunt.. found out her name.. she invited me for drinks.. had some drinks... good time.. went out again.. she stood me up.. .. showed uplate... then sent me loads of apology text messages.... she went out of town for a couple days.. we're supposed to "hang out" when she gets back.. i'm not holding my breath...
anyways.. met another girl.. the night I got stood up... she lives out of town..... but she was nice... we played some pool.
last night.. went out with some friends.... a girl from my past was out.. she started acting interested.. she said she wants to hang out sometime... but.. she can't stand guys that smoke... so.. bahh.. I wanna quit smoking.. but i'm not gonna quit for some girl....
anyways.. that's my weekend...
honestly.. what's the deal with girls.. cause I haven't figured it out..
if I act interested.. they don't give a fuck.. and if I'm an asshole.. they wanna move in.....
the one that stood me up.. is probably the first girl I"ve actively pursued in a year... as in.. I kinda took the initiative.. and tried to see her again... bahhh...bahhh..bahh..bahhhh.bahhh....bahh...bahhh.baaaaahhhhhh
anyways.. now it'smidnight.. i'm gonna go get drunk...
here's the skirt i told you about....all the way from dallas