so it just occured to me (well I knew it all along, but just didn't want to accpet it) that nothing in life, no matter how much it means to you is ever certain. What's the point of loving somebody if you know that there's a chance that they will just break your heart. I figured if I loved somebody this much, that they would be grateful and understanding. but in fact, their love for me faded more than ever. Either she is hiding her love that at one time was very strong, or in fact it did fade away. maybe it was never there. maybe she lied for all those years. because i feel like if you love somebody that much, there's no way it could just dissapear in such a short time. Whatever happend to the saying "love conquers all." I don't believe that anymore. in this day and age people are too worried about appearnces, and their social status to think about love. love doesn't come first anymore, I used to be scared of falling in love and having to be with that person forever, now I'm afraid of falling in love and having my heart broken again.
Why do people get scared when they get too close. what are they afraid of. I guess the past few years have taught me a thing or two about love. it's nothing to be scared of. It's something to cherish and hold onto forever.