Okay - first entry. Well, I need friends - look at my pitiful empty box. Yes - a photo or photos are coming this week (I hope). If you were curious enough to click over here and read about me - then make a note to click back and look at me. Yes feel free to e-mail - or post comments - I will read all and try to respond to most. Okay - so does anybody know how to cure writer's block. I have ground to a screeching halt on my most recent screenplay. Can't get back into the writing of romance when my present romantic life has been non-existant and steadily worse each day since my last date - Jan. 23, 2002 - although I have kept asking - 47 requests met with "no thank you" or "I'm dating someone" since January. Although I must admit that going through this site and checking out the cool and sexy girls and reading about them gives me hope, some Muses, and encouragement that there are cool chicks out there and not just southern belles, silicone and tanned Barbies and girls with nothing to say. So - care to help - tell me how to get back on the horse and keep writing...and how to break out of the rut and get a date. Ciao! bishop
absolute word on your bands list my good man. what are the chances of the new suede material not being complete knickers do you think?
Eh, that's not so bad, the first thing my mom did when we got a computer was to download many many songs sung by William Shatner.