While I don't want to knock the wonderful platform that this site is: a platform to view and relish all these lovely ladies, who really, we're all rather lucky to get a look at, I would like to say this: I thought this was supposed to be about "alternative beauty", what's happening with this "mainstream alternative" vibe? There are some truly interesting and beautiful women with sets up that don't seem to be getting the attention they deserve. A few off the top of my head: why are Suri's, Chunni's and Snow's sets languishing in member review? Sinnah's latest set?What about Vladi? Such a beautiful woman, why is she not pink? because she chooses not to infantilise her femininity by removing every last inch of hair? I'm confused.... it's ALL kinds of beauty, innit?
Can someone please elucidate this to me?
Other than this short rant, I wish all peace, prosperity and enthusiastic copulation
Can someone please elucidate this to me?
Other than this short rant, I wish all peace, prosperity and enthusiastic copulation
thank you lovely!!!!
We need more people like you to keep us all out of that line we are trying to avoid!!