To much vodka = the desire to make me wanna do strange things and the visual creation of Johnny Spandex as born and fuck i know i have had requests for my spandex pants shots lol

So random things i have also done this week include
got hungover this morning lol
Bought a i pod to put my 2500 cd collection on and bought flash stereo to dock it on
Had some serious BDSM fantasies and conversations
Eaten to many prok pies again 7 this week
Cussed at adsa,s shopping bag policy bring back proper carrier bags
Captain my pool team to top of the league
Defrosted the freezer
Admired my massive turd that would give Randy Marsh a run for his money
Worried about fending off a good friends offer to go see her for dinner for fear she will try to bag my bones
Got teased by my other half for the above
Watched far to much big brother for my own good
So this weekend is WRESTLER WEEKENDER off to see the wrestler then Sunday its a stay up must THE ROYAL RUMBLE which should rock
So Geoff remember the challenge is layed down to out glam my are you up for it!!!!!

So random things i have also done this week include
got hungover this morning lol
Bought a i pod to put my 2500 cd collection on and bought flash stereo to dock it on
Had some serious BDSM fantasies and conversations
Eaten to many prok pies again 7 this week
Cussed at adsa,s shopping bag policy bring back proper carrier bags
Captain my pool team to top of the league
Defrosted the freezer
Admired my massive turd that would give Randy Marsh a run for his money
Worried about fending off a good friends offer to go see her for dinner for fear she will try to bag my bones
Got teased by my other half for the above
Watched far to much big brother for my own good
So this weekend is WRESTLER WEEKENDER off to see the wrestler then Sunday its a stay up must THE ROYAL RUMBLE which should rock
So Geoff remember the challenge is layed down to out glam my are you up for it!!!!!

I just get so excited when I play live I can't help it