Now that was an interesting weekend! I've got to be the most piss poor Designated Driver on the face of the earth, I started with 4 and ended up with 1, and he had to drive my drunk ass back to his car at 6:30am. hypnogogic was well taken care of. (I was really wanting to go with them) Phillipe the Otter gave up on me and took a cab home, and I'm dying to know what happened to themanmachine I told myself I was going to take it easy, but alot of my stories start out that way. I dont know what kind of twisted paint thinner Lottie was drinking but I know I'm staying far away from that shit! So far I havent seen anybody dissapear off of my friends list so I must have been alright, but there is always next weekend!
I missed you!
SCRAWNY BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!