I'm sick and tired of the war. We tried to prevent it, they didn't listen or care what we had to say. So lets focus on something else, shall we?

I'm on spring break. Yay. Los Angeles is the best city ever.
Spring break sucks cause it makes it crappy for us non-collegiates to travel anywhere. Hotel and air fares skyrocket. You have to deal with a thousand stupid drunk bitches everywhere you go and I'm sick of it. I'm going to protest spring break................Mwahahahahahahaha...................
Are you still gone? Or are you hiding? I'm bored. Come out and play. There's all these good concerts! WHERE ARE YOU? smile
I always feel awkward when I get out of bed in the morning and my roommate is already up.

I think it's because i sleep naked.

I recently was forced into playing a game of 10 fingers (you know, someone says something they've never done and you put a finger down if you have done it).

I was out first.

Does that make me dirty?...
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I suppose it depends on what was brought up. Was necrophilia involved? Perhaps you played with prudes.
Maybe your roommate just likes to look at your bum. That's why he wakes up first.

Thanks for joining my group. I owe you an email. It'll come today. smile

Oh, here's your kiss. kiss

*edited cause I forgot the kiss*

[Edited on Mar 16, 2003]
I guess it's time for a new journal entry.
I've been devoting a lot of time to my website for some reason. http://birdman666.servebeer.com/
I can't wait for the quarter to be over. 1 more week.
Girls are nice. I like girls.
I can't think of anything else right now.
Upcoming shows I'm going to: Subhumans and The Voids at the Roxy in LA March 31...
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Who's playing with F-Minus? What are you doing for spring break? Flogging Molly is playing in SF around that time too. You should go they put on the BEST show! You can't help but shake your booty they're so good. wink
Welcome from another Santa Cruzian. Are you in the anarchist deprog. collective too? I don't recognize that photo, but i've only been to a few meetings. If you don't know what I'm talking about, never mind, Milena is messing w/ my head.
I'm in the process of making a website. Check out my insanity at:


My roommate is snoring. It's 5:18pm. It's ok though because I got some last night kiss .
Nice pictures. What college do you live in? I used to live at Kresge like 5 years ago. It was pretty cool. We had apartments there. I liked that a lot better than dorm rooms.

Congratulations on getting some. Woohoo!!!! smile
i like the converse shots...i should get myself a new pair
frown I have way too much work to do this weekend. A 12 page paper I haven't started, I just finished a 6 pager (yes, on a friday night), Another page I have to write outlining the education system in a utopian marxist california for a group project, a volleyball match tomorrow night, grr i don't wanna do it all.

George W. Bush is still an...
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F-Minus is SO good! Did you see them when they played the Vet's Hall with Lars Frederikson and the Bastards? It was AWESOME! I just bought the movie All About the Benjamins and (previewed from Blockbuster) and when I got home and went to watch I found out I had The Majestic. Poop. biggrin

Thrifty Cuts on Front Street charges like $5 for a haircut. They're pretty good too.
We've been having quite the discussion about the looming conflict in Iraq over on Milena's page (link above). Personally I think the war that Bush, Cheney, Rhumsfeld, Rice, and Powell want is complete and total garbage. When Powell went to the United Nations, he basically said if the inspectors find anything in Iraq, then we have to invade to disarm them. And if they don't...
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You should go to the current events board and check out the Bush as a High School bully thread. You'll love it.

*edited because I don't think I should be mean*

[Edited on Mar 07, 2003]
For anyone who cares, I got a story posted on slashdot.org. It has nothing to do with this discussion, but i'm pretty proud of myself.


[Edited on Mar 07, 2003]

[Edited on Mar 07, 2003]
I saw Leftover Crack tonight in San Francisco. Damn that was a great performance. I talked to Stza a little before they went on, he's a real cool guy, and a bit crazy on stage (reminded me of Darby Crash there towards the end, haha). The opening bands sucked, 46 Short was better than the first time I saw them (with the Unseen) but they...
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Try that recipe, it's super good. I like your crush. Good one. smile
YES!!!! CALIFORNIA UBER ALLES!!!! Can I be the Vice-President since I'm assuming you'll be the Pres? Oh please! smile