8/8/08 SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mark your calendars..8/8/08 is the unluckiest fucking day EVER!!!!!..my day was mostly good except for some wicked cramps i kept getting...then, on the way home from work, i got into a pretty bad CAR ACCIDENT (not my fucking fault) which will pretty much ruin my year financially..my car is undrivable..the a-hole i crashed into didn't speak any English (nor did any of the other million people he had in his car, other than this 13 year old who was trying to convince me we didn't need to deal with insurance)..they ended up driving away while i wasn't looking (but i got the license plate)...so i finally get home, call my insurance..then i see i have a message..it's my health insurance leaving me a message reminding me that my coverage has just been cancelled (which is WRONG, they are IDIOTS) so i had to call them and get that straghtened out...then i feel like taking a fucking shower to wash away the misery of this day, i look up and see the BIGGEST FUCKING COCKROACH i've ever seen on the ceiling, so i ask my boyfriend to please get rid of it because i couldn't handle dealing with that right then, he loses it somehow and says he can't find it...i push him out of the way and look behind the toilet where i can clearly see it, spray it with Raid (thanks, Trevor)...then i finally go to take my shower, and THE FUCKING FAUCET DOESN'T WORK!!..i ended up having to take a bath which made me want to puke..so i officially HATE this day and i just want to pretend it never happened..FUCK YOU DAY
mark your calendars..8/8/08 is the unluckiest fucking day EVER!!!!!..my day was mostly good except for some wicked cramps i kept getting...then, on the way home from work, i got into a pretty bad CAR ACCIDENT (not my fucking fault) which will pretty much ruin my year financially..my car is undrivable..the a-hole i crashed into didn't speak any English (nor did any of the other million people he had in his car, other than this 13 year old who was trying to convince me we didn't need to deal with insurance)..they ended up driving away while i wasn't looking (but i got the license plate)...so i finally get home, call my insurance..then i see i have a message..it's my health insurance leaving me a message reminding me that my coverage has just been cancelled (which is WRONG, they are IDIOTS) so i had to call them and get that straghtened out...then i feel like taking a fucking shower to wash away the misery of this day, i look up and see the BIGGEST FUCKING COCKROACH i've ever seen on the ceiling, so i ask my boyfriend to please get rid of it because i couldn't handle dealing with that right then, he loses it somehow and says he can't find it...i push him out of the way and look behind the toilet where i can clearly see it, spray it with Raid (thanks, Trevor)...then i finally go to take my shower, and THE FUCKING FAUCET DOESN'T WORK!!..i ended up having to take a bath which made me want to puke..so i officially HATE this day and i just want to pretend it never happened..FUCK YOU DAY
Man that sucks.. if you need a bitch to drive you around..