I neeeeed YOUR help!
i finally got my laptop back so im in a music download mooood!
whats your favorite band?
i prefer anything with an indie influence.
orrrr singers that sound like they just had their hearts ripped out.
i finally got my laptop back so im in a music download mooood!
whats your favorite band?

i prefer anything with an indie influence.

orrrr singers that sound like they just had their hearts ripped out.

And heart ripped out? One of my friends once said that about The Notwist, so you could try them
Good luck, it's always fun discovering new musics!
Just saw Conor Oberst in concert, so he's fresh on the mind. Check out his new album (self-titled) and anything he's done under the Bright Eyes moniker.
Edit: And I see Bright Eyes is in your profile already. So I recommend The Hold Steady. Not of the rip-your-heart-out musical style, but some damn good rock and roll nonetheless.