I'm trying to juggle everything, being as non needy as possible to my boyfriend but still spending time with him, spending legitimate time with each of my friends (especially the many I've been neglecting these last few months), buying Christmas presents that are actually good ones, buying a car, borrowing money from my parents for said car, creating my business plan for my Design studio, paying off my credit card, saving to go to the BDO in January, saving to go visit Nina sometime in the Winter, thinking about whether I'll go back to University or not, spazzing out over the last couple of days with some medium rated bi-polar action, deciding whether to go on Lithium or not, deciding whether to go on the Pill or not, making a future plan for myself as homework from Ruby, trying to do my chores on time, working at the music store (which is getting pretty hard out and busy cause they keep changing my hours at the last minute), going to go get a Christmas tree or noone will and even though I hate most of Christmas I'm not quite ready to let it go to the dogs completley..yet, trying not to eat all this shit I've been buying when I'm in a rush or just plan lazy, trying to rev up the motivation to go start jogging in the mornings, trying to create some sort of routine so one day I can go off my medication and trying to be happyish.
Ange (Amazonia) is back, and now she has gone back to Nelson to be with her family etc...seems like we only got her for a few seconds before she was ripped away again. Oh well, she'll be back in two weeks and the good times will continue. Soph's (Sophia_StVillier) new pup is the cutest! You'll see when she chucks some photos up of him, oh Lil John!
He's a bit of a nibbler though, the naughty chap!
Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm taking a break from people. One major thing about working in retail again is the re-surfacing desire to strangle the many, many fuckwits of the general population who make my life harder.
I hope you have been dealing with your stress (not that my life is even validly stressful enough to complain about) in a more productive way than I have this week, but if not how about we both forget this week happened and start the next one in happy, ignorant bliss.

Don't you just want to bang her?! (Lauren Ambrose)
Ange (Amazonia) is back, and now she has gone back to Nelson to be with her family etc...seems like we only got her for a few seconds before she was ripped away again. Oh well, she'll be back in two weeks and the good times will continue. Soph's (Sophia_StVillier) new pup is the cutest! You'll see when she chucks some photos up of him, oh Lil John!

Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm taking a break from people. One major thing about working in retail again is the re-surfacing desire to strangle the many, many fuckwits of the general population who make my life harder.
I hope you have been dealing with your stress (not that my life is even validly stressful enough to complain about) in a more productive way than I have this week, but if not how about we both forget this week happened and start the next one in happy, ignorant bliss.

Don't you just want to bang her?! (Lauren Ambrose)
The good thing about not visiting my family in Brisbane this year for Christmas is... less people to buy presents for.
Don't you just want to bang her?! (Lauren Ambrose)
Yes....yes I do oO