I'm okay. Back on normal again. Found a job I really want as a Junior Designer at a web design studio. Got tickets to the Fetish Ball. Sam and I are okay I think. I have no money. Less than none. Actually quite a significant amount less than none. Went grocery shopping and did major health shop. Hesitantly told Dad that I'd play with Tennis with him once a week again. Am buggered from walking round and exsisting as a semi-active participant in the world today. Nic goes into hospital to try and stop him from going deaf tomorrow, I've agreed to buy him some balloons t help him get well in style. I may have to busk, or however the hell you spell the action of sitting on the side of the road, singing and asking for money. The strong, hot wind that CHCH is known for, has officially outstayed it's welcome in my opinion. I need to wash my jeans but can't bring myself to wear my other ones which have large holes in the crotch area. Is it worse to have dirty, smelly pants or genital exposing ones? Lexy Bexy (or The Russian) told me I just needed him in my life more so I'm not so sad.
Sweet. Nieve, but sweet. Tune in when I can be bothered writing something some what interesting...

Sorry but the drinks went down really smooth