crappy hangovers. I'd never had a hangover until last month, really. And now I get them every time I drink a bottle to the dome. No more booze. it kills the ulcer, and its just not as fun. I can be stoned and have 394829348 times more fun. scrabble. we started playing scrabble at like 4am. We had a pingpong tournament, but stephan whipped us. I was pretty rad at ping pong, having never played before in my life. I want to play really badly now. Maybe I should take myself to breakfast.
I miss people this week. its making me super sad, but amanda's here and I get to move in 40 days and I'm happppppy! I'm getting myself a new car this week. very fancy indeed. I'm hoping for a jetta or a golf. but I will pretty much take whatever is the nicest thing with four doors, small, shitbags of leg room, a/c and a stereo of some sort, that fits into my price range. VW's just have tons of leg room.
I still have to give notice at work. I was going to do it on the first, but that's a saturday, so I have to do it friday the 30th. the 30th feels like its right around the corner. argh. poor kristen. my boss needs to find another job so she doesnt get stuck there by herself. our big boss is a total asshole to her.
I got a new vibrator. very exciting. I havent used it yet. I'm trying to save it for the perfect time. that might be soon. maybe it can fix this throbbing in my brain.
camera phones are fun times.
this is how shitty i look hungover.

I miss people this week. its making me super sad, but amanda's here and I get to move in 40 days and I'm happppppy! I'm getting myself a new car this week. very fancy indeed. I'm hoping for a jetta or a golf. but I will pretty much take whatever is the nicest thing with four doors, small, shitbags of leg room, a/c and a stereo of some sort, that fits into my price range. VW's just have tons of leg room.
I still have to give notice at work. I was going to do it on the first, but that's a saturday, so I have to do it friday the 30th. the 30th feels like its right around the corner. argh. poor kristen. my boss needs to find another job so she doesnt get stuck there by herself. our big boss is a total asshole to her.
I got a new vibrator. very exciting. I havent used it yet. I'm trying to save it for the perfect time. that might be soon. maybe it can fix this throbbing in my brain.
camera phones are fun times.
this is how shitty i look hungover.

thank you though on the thread, so sweet!