This picture makes me the happiest aunt in the world! Isn't my nephew just the cutest? Today me and my mom gave him a buzz cut for the summer and dayum does he look smok'in.
But that's all I have for Tomek's 2nd birthday for now. I mean it's 3:30 am and I just got this one image done for the entry tonight.
Reason why I'm not asleep. Well it all starts Thursday..
In the morning at work while I'm at Enbridge I started feeling sick while doing some filing in the offices. Basicaly by lunch I was vomitting violently and ended up going home.. Then I was schedualed to work at my part time job in the evening so I couldn't call in sick because our department was short staffed... Went to work like a zombie. Feeling sick, week and very sick to the stomach. I only lasted an hour before I vomitted again and walked out on my shift with permission of course. Came home and Slept from 7:30-11:00 am on Friday. Then by 3pm Friday I went back to bed till 7. And then I went out till 1:30 and make my self feel much better by getting some food, and strength.
So now I'm sitting here pretty wide friggin awake with a tad internal clock issue. *shrug* And I have to go to a big Polish wedding tomorrow at 11:30am ... then by the time reception comes along my whole family and their friends will be partying away and likely trying to get me drunk. Ah!
Alright enough random chitter chatter. Thursday something else happened that I just cannot ignore. I wont go too deep into .. Theres too much I could either spill out or reveal in my feelings that I just shouldn't online ya know?
Ok. So Jesse tried calling me at 7 am on Thursday, unfortunatly I missed the called because at my job we have a special meeting every morning to debreif that takes an hour from 7-8.
Eventualy I picked up my phone and saw 3 missed calls and a txt.
At first I was honestly so suprised to see that on my phone.. Jesse?? We haven't spoken in a while. Not since I last tired to connect with him. But he seemed too busy with his own life and a sweet girl. So I was alright with that I understood and I can now hold my head up high without him..
But why the sudden change? Had something bad happend? Was he alright? Usualy when we contact eachother it's just me in a sticky situation needing advice. I had always trusted him for that..
But now tables turned and what do I owe the suprise to?
(building suspense with a break)
Later on while working at a desk filing I quickly logged into my e-mail to see if I had gotten anything from him there. If it was really important I'm sure he'd write an email. I did try calling him back but no answer to the call or txt I sent in reply.
There was infact an e-mail in my inbox waiting for me from him.
And the second my eyes hit the first few words my heart began to pound.
I can't say much else from now on.... But I can tell is that it wasn't bad. Infact it was something I've been waiting to hear for ages. But why now and so late?
This could change the course of things seriously.
I am to meet with him Sunday to talk. I'm so excited and nervous. I miss him so much..
But now that he wants to come back into my life. What do I tell Jamie who of recently shows much interest in me. I like Jamie but we don't talk enough to have become that close. We just seem to have a silly attraction to eachother. .. And what about Keefer and the crew? And Heather the first female friend I've had alot of fun with in the longest time. The house they live in has brought me so much joy and fun... Like tonight, although I was sick and sober I still watched as everyone pulled a usual Friday night having fun with more than just booze. I could see them easily slipping away if I get too careless.
If Jesse returns to my life as a major roll again I cannot loose my friends. I even get to see my childhood friends alot still. Dani...Stacey... I abandon then too many times aswell. This time I have to be careful. Strong...
Don't let my emotions get the best of me. I haven't taken my meds in so long. Have I beaten that aswell?>
Maybe in another episode of Nicole's life?
Well That's enough for the evening. Good night and I wish the best for everyone when this gets through ....

But that's all I have for Tomek's 2nd birthday for now. I mean it's 3:30 am and I just got this one image done for the entry tonight.
Reason why I'm not asleep. Well it all starts Thursday..
In the morning at work while I'm at Enbridge I started feeling sick while doing some filing in the offices. Basicaly by lunch I was vomitting violently and ended up going home.. Then I was schedualed to work at my part time job in the evening so I couldn't call in sick because our department was short staffed... Went to work like a zombie. Feeling sick, week and very sick to the stomach. I only lasted an hour before I vomitted again and walked out on my shift with permission of course. Came home and Slept from 7:30-11:00 am on Friday. Then by 3pm Friday I went back to bed till 7. And then I went out till 1:30 and make my self feel much better by getting some food, and strength.
So now I'm sitting here pretty wide friggin awake with a tad internal clock issue. *shrug* And I have to go to a big Polish wedding tomorrow at 11:30am ... then by the time reception comes along my whole family and their friends will be partying away and likely trying to get me drunk. Ah!
Alright enough random chitter chatter. Thursday something else happened that I just cannot ignore. I wont go too deep into .. Theres too much I could either spill out or reveal in my feelings that I just shouldn't online ya know?
Ok. So Jesse tried calling me at 7 am on Thursday, unfortunatly I missed the called because at my job we have a special meeting every morning to debreif that takes an hour from 7-8.
Eventualy I picked up my phone and saw 3 missed calls and a txt.
At first I was honestly so suprised to see that on my phone.. Jesse?? We haven't spoken in a while. Not since I last tired to connect with him. But he seemed too busy with his own life and a sweet girl. So I was alright with that I understood and I can now hold my head up high without him..
But why the sudden change? Had something bad happend? Was he alright? Usualy when we contact eachother it's just me in a sticky situation needing advice. I had always trusted him for that..
But now tables turned and what do I owe the suprise to?
(building suspense with a break)
Later on while working at a desk filing I quickly logged into my e-mail to see if I had gotten anything from him there. If it was really important I'm sure he'd write an email. I did try calling him back but no answer to the call or txt I sent in reply.
There was infact an e-mail in my inbox waiting for me from him.
And the second my eyes hit the first few words my heart began to pound.
I can't say much else from now on.... But I can tell is that it wasn't bad. Infact it was something I've been waiting to hear for ages. But why now and so late?
This could change the course of things seriously.
I am to meet with him Sunday to talk. I'm so excited and nervous. I miss him so much..
But now that he wants to come back into my life. What do I tell Jamie who of recently shows much interest in me. I like Jamie but we don't talk enough to have become that close. We just seem to have a silly attraction to eachother. .. And what about Keefer and the crew? And Heather the first female friend I've had alot of fun with in the longest time. The house they live in has brought me so much joy and fun... Like tonight, although I was sick and sober I still watched as everyone pulled a usual Friday night having fun with more than just booze. I could see them easily slipping away if I get too careless.
If Jesse returns to my life as a major roll again I cannot loose my friends. I even get to see my childhood friends alot still. Dani...Stacey... I abandon then too many times aswell. This time I have to be careful. Strong...
Don't let my emotions get the best of me. I haven't taken my meds in so long. Have I beaten that aswell?>
Maybe in another episode of Nicole's life?

Well That's enough for the evening. Good night and I wish the best for everyone when this gets through ....
and I hope you get feeling better soon!