New post time! Boy it's been a while!
I'm going to start off with how I was so happy to meet up with Ben! He's such a great guy and an amazing photographer. He was nice enough to show me him studio and treat me to an iced caffinated drink that was so yummy! Thanks again! I'm really excited for the fall when my full time job ends and we will be able to plan something together and I know it will be great! Still deciding where to submit my work afterwords, could be with anyone really. As fun as SG seems the contract does'nt do well with my plans later on so I'd best stay clear for future concerns. But other than that this is a great community that everyone has welcomed me into so warmly! <3 Thanks again!
More news..hmm let's see here..
My car is almost half way paid off and I'm also so happy to be able to afford some fun in my life.
Like tomorrow!! I'm going to see the Deftones with my bestest friends Dani and Stacey. I'm going to get realllllllllly baked and enjoy the evening like it was my last night living.
I've never been so happy!
My full time job is so good for me it's intense. Not only have I been able to travel to so many new remote places in Saskatchewan but I've learned a great deal about country life. Aswell working so hard all day has put me in excellent shape for the summer. I feel like a million bucks!
Wooo more fun to talk about. Ah tonight I'm just so happy to be sitting at my computer after working a total of 14 hours between my two jobs. I've hardly touched my computer much lately. I feel like I'm neglecting my personal development of designing skillz! Oh no'z!
Oh and as earlier mentioned "Living life to the fullest" , I have truely begun to really feel what this is like almost everyday of my life. On Friday the 13th my friends that come from Victoria let me into the their drinking team and well their holiday is well... Friday 13th. It was intense because the night was meant for drinking.
And boy did I ever.
Let's just say it was supose to stay at the house and I ended up waking else ware in some crazy basement suite. Oh well I say! Ce La Vie!
Ummm... I'd do a major picture post of some of the photography I've been working on. But it hasn't gone past processing beyond the camera and into CS2 so..... Till that happens hold your pants.
Till then marvel at my beautiful custom sewn shirt made from an Invader Zim shirt. It made a lot of drunk people happy on that Friday evening ago.
Well that's life on the go for Nicole. I guess this is my first real long post on SG... Normally I post my longer more personal things on my Livejournal but I felt it was time to open up to you guys. <3
I'm going to start off with how I was so happy to meet up with Ben! He's such a great guy and an amazing photographer. He was nice enough to show me him studio and treat me to an iced caffinated drink that was so yummy! Thanks again! I'm really excited for the fall when my full time job ends and we will be able to plan something together and I know it will be great! Still deciding where to submit my work afterwords, could be with anyone really. As fun as SG seems the contract does'nt do well with my plans later on so I'd best stay clear for future concerns. But other than that this is a great community that everyone has welcomed me into so warmly! <3 Thanks again!
More news..hmm let's see here..
My car is almost half way paid off and I'm also so happy to be able to afford some fun in my life.
Like tomorrow!! I'm going to see the Deftones with my bestest friends Dani and Stacey. I'm going to get realllllllllly baked and enjoy the evening like it was my last night living.
I've never been so happy!
My full time job is so good for me it's intense. Not only have I been able to travel to so many new remote places in Saskatchewan but I've learned a great deal about country life. Aswell working so hard all day has put me in excellent shape for the summer. I feel like a million bucks!
Wooo more fun to talk about. Ah tonight I'm just so happy to be sitting at my computer after working a total of 14 hours between my two jobs. I've hardly touched my computer much lately. I feel like I'm neglecting my personal development of designing skillz! Oh no'z!
Oh and as earlier mentioned "Living life to the fullest" , I have truely begun to really feel what this is like almost everyday of my life. On Friday the 13th my friends that come from Victoria let me into the their drinking team and well their holiday is well... Friday 13th. It was intense because the night was meant for drinking.
And boy did I ever.
Let's just say it was supose to stay at the house and I ended up waking else ware in some crazy basement suite. Oh well I say! Ce La Vie!
Ummm... I'd do a major picture post of some of the photography I've been working on. But it hasn't gone past processing beyond the camera and into CS2 so..... Till that happens hold your pants.
Till then marvel at my beautiful custom sewn shirt made from an Invader Zim shirt. It made a lot of drunk people happy on that Friday evening ago.

Well that's life on the go for Nicole. I guess this is my first real long post on SG... Normally I post my longer more personal things on my Livejournal but I felt it was time to open up to you guys. <3
We need to do coffee again sometime in August perhaps.