mind blowing sex..
i was throughly surprised tonight.. and last night.. and all afternoon... i have not been soo spoiled by a girl before in a loong time...
i'd post a pic but im lazy as always.. woot woot..
anyway.. met this girl a little while ago (jenn) and ive always had my eye on her when she came over..but always told to stay away.....
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i was throughly surprised tonight.. and last night.. and all afternoon... i have not been soo spoiled by a girl before in a loong time...
i'd post a pic but im lazy as always.. woot woot..
anyway.. met this girl a little while ago (jenn) and ive always had my eye on her when she came over..but always told to stay away.....
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i am like estatic.. like fucking insanley estatic...
i raced this honda today for shits and giggles right..?
well turns out the dude lives a few doors down from me.. right.. dude gets out of his honda and it's jeff...
the guy who first taught me how to pick a lock.. boost a car.. do stereo's...the guy who got me enthralled with automotives.. i...
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i am like estatic.. like fucking insanley estatic...
i raced this honda today for shits and giggles right..?
well turns out the dude lives a few doors down from me.. right.. dude gets out of his honda and it's jeff...
the guy who first taught me how to pick a lock.. boost a car.. do stereo's...the guy who got me enthralled with automotives.. i...
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i drank with my friends tonight... losefriends that have bene there through all of the "shit"... i told somethign to two of them that got the most distrot looks upo their faces..
i shouldnt ahve.. but we are on tehsubject of respect and how nobody repects wha twe had built between teh little wanna be gangs in out neiborhood and the problems solved so...
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i drank with my friends tonight... losefriends that have bene there through all of the "shit"... i told somethign to two of them that got the most distrot looks upo their faces..
i shouldnt ahve.. but we are on tehsubject of respect and how nobody repects wha twe had built between teh little wanna be gangs in out neiborhood and the problems solved so...
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bored beyond belief
hmm did a shit load of paperwork today.. and mroe to come tomorrow.. and more after that shit..
awaiting oen official signature.. and I will have everythign in my wordly being shipped away form me whee!!
and i will soon depart thereafter...
so good niht everyone...
enjoy the fact that i got bored yesterday and did not leave the house.. and enjoyed...
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hmm did a shit load of paperwork today.. and mroe to come tomorrow.. and more after that shit..
awaiting oen official signature.. and I will have everythign in my wordly being shipped away form me whee!!
and i will soon depart thereafter...
so good niht everyone...
enjoy the fact that i got bored yesterday and did not leave the house.. and enjoyed...
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thanks for commenting on my set..
..glad you like it
Sorry its taken so long to reply...things have been a tad
Hope 2005 brings you your dreams

thanks for commenting on my set..

Sorry its taken so long to reply...things have been a tad

Hope 2005 brings you your dreams
wow stress levels go waay down when you drink alot..
i got good news friday afternoon.. and monday i will be doen wit everything.. great time to leave soon..
goo dnes.. time for everyone die...
i got good news friday afternoon.. and monday i will be doen wit everything.. great time to leave soon..
goo dnes.. time for everyone die...
bored.. soo bored..
need something to do... everyone knwo im leaving soon.. so basically all of my sidework and company related projects have been outsourced...
but i wan tot do osmthing.. but i always end up taking over hte project and doign all of the work.. everyone.. is an idiot... when it comes to cars....
everyone's always right... haha whatever.. my buddy mark borught me...
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need something to do... everyone knwo im leaving soon.. so basically all of my sidework and company related projects have been outsourced...
but i wan tot do osmthing.. but i always end up taking over hte project and doign all of the work.. everyone.. is an idiot... when it comes to cars....
everyone's always right... haha whatever.. my buddy mark borught me...
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Hey man, I hear you on the cigs, I need to quit too. Just to afford my car payment and the bills! Shen you start out elling cars, you need to save all you can, no $ right away, the real money is in referrals, just like your biz too I;m sure.
You still moving? Sorry things are stressing ya out, life gets like that sometimes but I's always for a reason, usually to toughen us up to make us stonger so we can handle the next set life hands us.
We got an 2002 silver wrx in on trade with mileage in the higher 20's the other day. Not sure how long it'll be around, thought about ya. Boost gauge and piaa lights and winter tires. Ha, might not need them huh?
My first instinct about active duty for you is NOOOOOOOOOO, but ther is help needed everywhere and you seem like a genuine person that can affect a lot of people in postive ways,who knows how much good you can do? You know best, though I'd hate to see anything bad happen to ya.
You still moving? Sorry things are stressing ya out, life gets like that sometimes but I's always for a reason, usually to toughen us up to make us stonger so we can handle the next set life hands us.
We got an 2002 silver wrx in on trade with mileage in the higher 20's the other day. Not sure how long it'll be around, thought about ya. Boost gauge and piaa lights and winter tires. Ha, might not need them huh?
My first instinct about active duty for you is NOOOOOOOOOO, but ther is help needed everywhere and you seem like a genuine person that can affect a lot of people in postive ways,who knows how much good you can do? You know best, though I'd hate to see anything bad happen to ya.

hmm i really hate waiting for things to come....
i really do..
im awaiting a house phone.. so that i may ring up the long distance charges like non other ahhaha WHEE!! fuck the system....
oh well i need my internet back at my house this is disgusting.. bouncing around to my buddies house ordering parts.. what ever happened ot takin ga crap, eating.. and...
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i really do..
im awaiting a house phone.. so that i may ring up the long distance charges like non other ahhaha WHEE!! fuck the system....
oh well i need my internet back at my house this is disgusting.. bouncing around to my buddies house ordering parts.. what ever happened ot takin ga crap, eating.. and...
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hmm.. soo pissed again...
notice the feeling of betrayel never feels like it gets anybetter?
like you get used to being hurt.. happy.. in love.. all teh big emotions you can get used to .. but betrayel turns your insides around and mixes t with shards of jagged glass...
my best friend of 10 years....
decided that what his girlfriend was sayinga bout me was...
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notice the feeling of betrayel never feels like it gets anybetter?
like you get used to being hurt.. happy.. in love.. all teh big emotions you can get used to .. but betrayel turns your insides around and mixes t with shards of jagged glass...
my best friend of 10 years....
decided that what his girlfriend was sayinga bout me was...
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wow.. i was a tad bit angry last posting...
but at elast i was being honest.. it's always weird reading the words you have written.... it's liek reading anovel and you sit ther ewith our head tilted to the side wondering, where did this emotion come from. who's teh writer.. the CLICK.. you brain takes back over and goes "you ya dork".. ohh...
well x-mas...
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but at elast i was being honest.. it's always weird reading the words you have written.... it's liek reading anovel and you sit ther ewith our head tilted to the side wondering, where did this emotion come from. who's teh writer.. the CLICK.. you brain takes back over and goes "you ya dork".. ohh...
well x-mas...
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thanks for the tip man, i love the weather here, we have a snow warning back home, yuck.
i'm here until the 2nd... not long enough at all
[Edited on Dec 26, 2004 3:40PM]
i'm here until the 2nd... not long enough at all
[Edited on Dec 26, 2004 3:40PM]
god i hat efuckign smas soo much..
i got handed to me today an 83 K5 blazer.. and told "it dosent need much work" istarted andmy eyes widened in horror.. most of you probably wouldnt undertand my prattteling on that one..
then my former wife.. goes into labor.. with a kid that i have no clue who's it is.... talk about dragging up the passt......
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i got handed to me today an 83 K5 blazer.. and told "it dosent need much work" istarted andmy eyes widened in horror.. most of you probably wouldnt undertand my prattteling on that one..
then my former wife.. goes into labor.. with a kid that i have no clue who's it is.... talk about dragging up the passt......
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Hang in there. Time goes fast and all of this will be a blur soon. If you have been in the service, done your time ane come back then that deserves respect for sure. Everyone thinks they could live someone else's life better than that person could which just deflects the responsibilty of living their own the best they can. No one is ever "done" with themself enough to start working on someone else, know what I mean? Maybe they jsut love you so much they are trying to lend advice. Don't sweat the divorce, you are no different than millions of people. Have a good Christmas, seriously, and I would be honored to sell ya a Subie. Bug eyes are hard to come by. But I'll keep a look out for ya.

I hope you have a good one, i do.
I hope you have a good one, i do.