bored beyond belief
hmm did a shit load of paperwork today.. and mroe to come tomorrow.. and more after that shit..
awaiting oen official signature.. and I will have everythign in my wordly being shipped away form me whee!!
and i will soon depart thereafter...
so good niht everyone...
enjoy the fact that i got bored yesterday and did not leave the house.. and enjoyed my own stirfry all day
while beating halo 2 .. in one sitting.. hmm..
gotta be a nerd sometimes.. can always be tough and all that jazz..
good night..
hmm did a shit load of paperwork today.. and mroe to come tomorrow.. and more after that shit..
awaiting oen official signature.. and I will have everythign in my wordly being shipped away form me whee!!
and i will soon depart thereafter...
so good niht everyone...
enjoy the fact that i got bored yesterday and did not leave the house.. and enjoyed my own stirfry all day
while beating halo 2 .. in one sitting.. hmm..
gotta be a nerd sometimes.. can always be tough and all that jazz..
good night..
thanks for commenting on my set..
Sorry its taken so long to reply...things have been a tad
Hope 2005 brings you your dreams