god i hat efuckign smas soo much..
i got handed to me today an 83 K5 blazer.. and told "it dosent need much work" istarted andmy eyes widened in horror.. most of you probably wouldnt undertand my prattteling on that one..
then my former wife.. goes into labor.. with a kid that i have no clue who's it is.... talk about dragging up the passt... means i cant talk to MY daughter for a few days.... bitch..
thn i get into it with the evil one i live with.. my best friends girlfriend.. she starts the fight .. iignore her.. she persists.. i ignore her... she screams i leave...
i... dont have an apartment anymore...
.... .. .cunt... .. .
and icannot believe my best friend chose that girl.. and her ignorant mouth spewing lies.. over me...
i can always say "his loss".. but.. it's more of mine.. he keeps me stable and is my zen...
ran into my mom... i guess im spending christmas with them.. i would much rather hide..and drive the moutain..and be left alone for one holiday season.. i alreadydissapeard turkey day...but shit.. i almost made it... now im going to listen to my step-father's rendition of how motorsports gets you nowhere (when i make alot more money then he) and how im such a horrible person for having a failed marrriage under my belt......
like i asked for all of this shit...
this isonly one day in my life.. godammit I FUCKING MISS ACTIVE DUTY ARMY!.. would rather be in "the sand pit" then here... "come home, we miss you.., we love you".. (that's all your family says..) but in reality.. "come home so that socieity may shit on you and reduce your service and sacrifice.. and countless scars (emotional and physical) to nothing, because society is infested with belligerent self involved motherfuckers who can give a fuck about anyone in uniform.."
know what's funny.. everyone loves a man in uniform.. but is not willing to extend a hand when we fall...
theywould rather take a step to the side.. and spit.. upon us then help us regain our footing....
i fucking hate people..i fucking hate socieity... i hate teh holidays... and the greed and self indulgence it has become to represent...
god... kill me... this is not in the contract i signed when i was concieved..
i got handed to me today an 83 K5 blazer.. and told "it dosent need much work" istarted andmy eyes widened in horror.. most of you probably wouldnt undertand my prattteling on that one..
then my former wife.. goes into labor.. with a kid that i have no clue who's it is.... talk about dragging up the passt... means i cant talk to MY daughter for a few days.... bitch..
thn i get into it with the evil one i live with.. my best friends girlfriend.. she starts the fight .. iignore her.. she persists.. i ignore her... she screams i leave...
i... dont have an apartment anymore...
.... .. .cunt... .. .
and icannot believe my best friend chose that girl.. and her ignorant mouth spewing lies.. over me...
i can always say "his loss".. but.. it's more of mine.. he keeps me stable and is my zen...
ran into my mom... i guess im spending christmas with them.. i would much rather hide..and drive the moutain..and be left alone for one holiday season.. i alreadydissapeard turkey day...but shit.. i almost made it... now im going to listen to my step-father's rendition of how motorsports gets you nowhere (when i make alot more money then he) and how im such a horrible person for having a failed marrriage under my belt......
like i asked for all of this shit...
this isonly one day in my life.. godammit I FUCKING MISS ACTIVE DUTY ARMY!.. would rather be in "the sand pit" then here... "come home, we miss you.., we love you".. (that's all your family says..) but in reality.. "come home so that socieity may shit on you and reduce your service and sacrifice.. and countless scars (emotional and physical) to nothing, because society is infested with belligerent self involved motherfuckers who can give a fuck about anyone in uniform.."
know what's funny.. everyone loves a man in uniform.. but is not willing to extend a hand when we fall...
theywould rather take a step to the side.. and spit.. upon us then help us regain our footing....
i fucking hate people..i fucking hate socieity... i hate teh holidays... and the greed and self indulgence it has become to represent...
god... kill me... this is not in the contract i signed when i was concieved..
I hope you have a good one, i do.