so.. my night got interesting...
i was hanging out in SV (sierra vista) waiting for my web designer to show up.. well i got a call for Sonoita police department to com epick his car up.. WTF? im trying to be nice ot this lady on ethe phone (officer type) she wont tell me dick.. and i said i'll be there in ten minutes, well the she devil called a tow truck telling him that i wouldnt make it down there and to tow it.. grr i got stuck bribing (bribeing? sp? ne one?) tow truck guy in front of a cop (illegal here) to give me "my" car back.. the officer is like "he syas you now own the car" and im like yeah.. i own alot.. so he's like grilling me.. so im like ok.. here we go retard country boy.. I SPONSOR a car!! ther for i own teh car.. the driver.. and everything inside.. why? because if you give a guy 20 grand to drive with your name on his car.. you just bought it..
i dont think he understood sponsorships (and i dont own teh car.. but paperwork is soo easily remedied) and he hauled my buddy away after insulting me.. grrr. i dislike very much to be insulted.. especially form someone who's carrying a badge thinking he knows everything.. while banging a radar gun on the ground saying "why wont this blasted thingamagigger work".. fuckem..
someday.. i will buy that city.. move everyone out and call it racer haven.. the laws will be no under 30 mph.. ( i did a124 MPH down it the other night) hehehe
and everyone will be required not not own a stock vehicle.. with a grace period of 30 days to show prrof of purchase on auto parts hahaha
i know it'll never happen but hey .. you have to set your goals hight or else you'll never get anywhere... ro away from the cops..
go i ahte ignorant police officers... and profiling.. granted the car is covered in sponsor tags.. in a small shitkicker town.. but elliot was stopped at a gas station refueling when a cop showed up... no probable cause.. an illegal vehicle search on privat property... etc etc etc...
godammit.. well im paying all teh expenses.. i'll call it a christmas gift.. but im taking out of the police officers donations this year.. dicks..
ya thing the kickbacks would work a bit ya know..
well "charitable donations" to make the dissapear.. gues not everyone has a buying price..
i was hanging out in SV (sierra vista) waiting for my web designer to show up.. well i got a call for Sonoita police department to com epick his car up.. WTF? im trying to be nice ot this lady on ethe phone (officer type) she wont tell me dick.. and i said i'll be there in ten minutes, well the she devil called a tow truck telling him that i wouldnt make it down there and to tow it.. grr i got stuck bribing (bribeing? sp? ne one?) tow truck guy in front of a cop (illegal here) to give me "my" car back.. the officer is like "he syas you now own the car" and im like yeah.. i own alot.. so he's like grilling me.. so im like ok.. here we go retard country boy.. I SPONSOR a car!! ther for i own teh car.. the driver.. and everything inside.. why? because if you give a guy 20 grand to drive with your name on his car.. you just bought it..
i dont think he understood sponsorships (and i dont own teh car.. but paperwork is soo easily remedied) and he hauled my buddy away after insulting me.. grrr. i dislike very much to be insulted.. especially form someone who's carrying a badge thinking he knows everything.. while banging a radar gun on the ground saying "why wont this blasted thingamagigger work".. fuckem..
someday.. i will buy that city.. move everyone out and call it racer haven.. the laws will be no under 30 mph.. ( i did a124 MPH down it the other night) hehehe
and everyone will be required not not own a stock vehicle.. with a grace period of 30 days to show prrof of purchase on auto parts hahaha
i know it'll never happen but hey .. you have to set your goals hight or else you'll never get anywhere... ro away from the cops..
go i ahte ignorant police officers... and profiling.. granted the car is covered in sponsor tags.. in a small shitkicker town.. but elliot was stopped at a gas station refueling when a cop showed up... no probable cause.. an illegal vehicle search on privat property... etc etc etc...
godammit.. well im paying all teh expenses.. i'll call it a christmas gift.. but im taking out of the police officers donations this year.. dicks..
ya thing the kickbacks would work a bit ya know..
well "charitable donations" to make the dissapear.. gues not everyone has a buying price..