no sleep till duddhh duhh duumm dumm...
no slleep tiiill brooklyzzzzzzzzz..... zzz.. zz.z
another night my best friend is arguing with his girlfriend over the phone.. i live with her.. she's an idiot.. as i always type.. i cant wait until i leave...
she's trying to get me outsed... it's MY apartment hahaha.. bitch.... wow she is soo calling him names... now he's been through two conflicts overseas.. (im going soon) as a military police officer.. and she's calling him an idiot.. haha.. im wondering more and more everyday what stops him from choking her dumb chubby ass... i swear to god a girl barley scraping 5.2 should not weigh 170 plus.. and have bigger clothen then i... my griend looks like me but blonde.. and not such a pretty boy.... but still a strong cutie...
why settle for a mongrel.. when you can get a purebred for less??
ohhthat's cold im sorry everyone.. i am so sick of hearing it through my walls.. teh phone all night ringing after each hangup.. the complaints about "me" (fuck her i was here first i aint compromising for shit!, this is MY world.. hmmm.. grrr)
it's just horrible.. and when he comes home.. they fuck .. take a brake argue more fuck again.. dude she sounds evil when .. nevermind.. the neibors can hear him spanking her.. and i sleep in the next room... i usuall go for a long drive or to themovies... or slit my writsts with jagged porcelin to escape...
i need to sleep i cant ahndle this anymore.. im gonna eat my super nachos! (god .. hmm comfort food) and go to fuckin bed.. good night.. dont forget to hug your subaru and tuck it in nicley...
no slleep tiiill brooklyzzzzzzzzz..... zzz.. zz.z
another night my best friend is arguing with his girlfriend over the phone.. i live with her.. she's an idiot.. as i always type.. i cant wait until i leave...
she's trying to get me outsed... it's MY apartment hahaha.. bitch.... wow she is soo calling him names... now he's been through two conflicts overseas.. (im going soon) as a military police officer.. and she's calling him an idiot.. haha.. im wondering more and more everyday what stops him from choking her dumb chubby ass... i swear to god a girl barley scraping 5.2 should not weigh 170 plus.. and have bigger clothen then i... my griend looks like me but blonde.. and not such a pretty boy.... but still a strong cutie...
why settle for a mongrel.. when you can get a purebred for less??
ohhthat's cold im sorry everyone.. i am so sick of hearing it through my walls.. teh phone all night ringing after each hangup.. the complaints about "me" (fuck her i was here first i aint compromising for shit!, this is MY world.. hmmm.. grrr)
it's just horrible.. and when he comes home.. they fuck .. take a brake argue more fuck again.. dude she sounds evil when .. nevermind.. the neibors can hear him spanking her.. and i sleep in the next room... i usuall go for a long drive or to themovies... or slit my writsts with jagged porcelin to escape...
i need to sleep i cant ahndle this anymore.. im gonna eat my super nachos! (god .. hmm comfort food) and go to fuckin bed.. good night.. dont forget to hug your subaru and tuck it in nicley...
i just figure the guy is socially stunted and lives a creepy, lonely existence